When you have a flat tire, you get it patched and filled. When you spill some milk, you wipe it up. There are simple problems and simple solutions that we face every day. But what happens when the problem is more complicated with many different angles and facets? Perhaps the solution will be a little more complicated.
With a big problem or a small one, the plan of attack is essentially the same: you decide how to fix it, and then accomplish your goal.
This is our aim when it comes to what we call a full-mouth reconstruction. This is done when your mouth has more than just a single simple problem, and we essentially fix everything wrong with your mouth and give you a completely new, healthier smile.
Reason #1: You’re embarrassed by your smile.
If your teeth are discolored, misshapen, or missing, it can really hurt your self-confidence. Everyone deserves to have a smile that they are proud of.
Reason #2: You have one or more missing teeth.
Thanks to advances in modern medical technology, people are living longer and longer. This means that we are even outliving our teeth! A full mouth reconstruction could include the replacement of teeth by dental implants.
Reason #3: Eating and chewing have become painful.
Not all of the reasons for a full mouth reconstruction are cosmetic. Sometimes serious issues lead to your mouth becoming painful when you chew. These problems are serious and constitute a good reason for a full mouth reconstruction.
Reason #4: An important event.
Graduation, a wedding, or some other important event might lead you to want a brighter, more attractive smile. A full mouth reconstruction can give you the beautiful smile you deserve.
If you have any more questions about a full mouth reconstruction, give us a call or stop by our dental office today!